Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Rats and People

About a week ago, I got a rat from an Aunt who breeds them. I fell in love with this one brownish white doe. The whole way home, I thought and thought over what to name her. After all, I didn't want a common "oreo" or "cocoa" type name. Then I decided to name her after my favorite author/poet, Edgar Allen Poe. So now, I address her as Poe. She was extremely shy at first, but it's amazing how smart these creatures really are. I did a lot of research, and I saw that they can be trained, they love human-attention, they rarely ever bite, and they in no way carry disease. They are everything that everyone thinks they aren't, especially cute. Granted, Poe is just a baby, but I'm sure she'll take her cuteness to adulthood. Now she rides around on my shoulder, plays with me, and licks me. They really are fascinating creatures.

I am also trying to work with a student I was recently put one-on-one with. She is very difficult to deal with sometimes, yet we've connected as well. I need to find a way to make her bad days fewer and her good days more plentiful and enjoyable. I'm used to working with a bunch of students, now I'm down to one primary one. It's been challenging so far. I hope it will be smooth sailings in the future.

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