Sunday, November 25, 2007

Give or Take

Give, give, give, take, take, take;
You try to give, and you’re branded a fake
If you take, you’re nothing more than a thief
In this world it’s either give or take.

You give without wanting anything back
Than you’re still a fool and you’re painted black
You take then you never can take it back
In this world it’s either give or take

Giving love, emotions or feelings
Helping out with a wound that is healing
And taking nothing is still considered stealing
In this world it’s either give or take

Why are people so suspicious,
Paranoid and superstitious?
Questioning and full-blown malicious
In this world it’s either give or take.

So to change the world you gotta live
To do so means you gotta give
Take very little and learn to forgive
So in this world it’s never give or take.

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