Thursday, November 22, 2007


So aside from my Christmas Rant in the last posting, I have nothing more to complain about as of now. But it doesn't mean there is not plenty to talk about still. Thanksgiving was great! My brother came down from college, I cooked the dinner without the slightest scorching of the food, and now I'm just sort of relaxed and mellow. I'm probably going to something productive either today or tomorrow... I haven't decided yet.

We watched the Shining, not a bad movie at all, and then we're watching The Mission in a few minutes. My Father has to work tomorrow. I'm glad I don't!!! I love the students, but I need a break every once in a while!

For everyone who is new or just tagging on, I would like to invite you to read some of the poems I have written below. If you are looking from dA, don't bother, they are the same as on my other account! I will be writing more poems soon, but I've had very little inspiration, and my poetry comes from the heart. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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